Hi all,
I am new to cypher and neo4j. We have a neo4j version 3.5.14 . We have articles as node and it's meta data as properties. I am trying to apply some graph algorithms on the nodes to create similar link between articles based on cosine similarity between articles embeddings property. I am able to do it on browser but through cypher query i am having issues. Here is my query -:
MATCH (a:article)-[r_0:has]-(k:keyword)-[q:has]-(b:article)
WHERE a._id = {article_id}
AND b.published > {window_left}
AND b.published < {window_right}
AND b.embeddings IS NOT NULL"
WITH a,b
algo.similarity.cosine(a.embeddings,b.embeddings) as similarity
WHERE similarity > 0.8
MERGE (a)-[r:similar]-(b)
""" % (article['_id'],similarity_threshold,window_left,window_right)
We have keywords as nodes as well, since data volume is above 100k, I have the first article id and I am trying to first match articles on common keyword and then compare their embeddings. If the embeddings are above 0.8, i create a similar link between those and store their weights.
And is there is any better way to do it? I am able to run this in browser client but not through neo bolt from python
Versions -:
Neo4j -3.5.14-enterprise
neobolt - 1.7.4