Hi, I am hosting a Neo4j server on my laptop, and I am trying to access it via an amazon EC2 instance. I am using Neo4j desktop to run the server.
I've configured my server to accept external traffic:
I use a reverse ssh from my laptop -> ec2 instance to expose ports 7474 and 7487. I use a reverse ssh from server -> client because my laptop is private and I don't want to port forward from my public IP.
ssh -R7687:localhost:7687 -R7474:localhost:7474 ec2-user@EC2IP
On my EC2 instance, I am using self.driver = GraphDatabase.driver(bolt://localhost:7687", auth=auth, max_transaction_retry_time=20)
to access the database. It fails with error
Failed to establish connection to ResolvedIPv6Address(('::1', 7687, 0, 0)) (reason [Errno 99] Cannot assign requested address))
2022-01-20 00:36:28 neo4j WARNING: Transaction failed and will be retried in 1.6414348276387707s (Couldn't connect to localhost:7687 (resolved to ('', '[::1]:7687')):