For a given label, with an index on a Point property, I am looking for the (geographically speaking) NEAREST node.
I have a precise geopos linked to an item and I want to link to another geopos with another relation.
My first attempts do not seem to use the spatial INDEX.
I get a message about index not being used as I do a calculation on lat/lon of the points (was trying product of absolute values for lon2-lon1 and lat2-lat1).
So its a fullLabelScan that happens.
CYPHER runtime=slotted
MATCH (f:Thing)-[:LOCATED]->(l1:Place)
WITH f,l1
MATCH (l2:Place)
RETURN l2, distance(l1,l2) AS dist
WITH f,l1,l2
MERGE (f)-[:NEARBY]->(l2)
I'm not quite sure that works. You're applying the distance function on two node variables, when it should only be run on two point types. If there was a location property, then it should be:
RETURN l2, distance(l1.location, l2.location) AS dist
We should be able to get better performance with an index on the point properties of the nodes. That can allow us to do an index-backed spatial distance search
However it does require providing some kind of acceptable default distance for which to perform the search (distance is in meters, when points are on a WGS-84 coordinate system). That way the spatial distance search can use the index to find nodes with locations within the given distance radius, and then your ordering and limiting will only apply to that smaller result set.
CYPHER runtime=slotted
MATCH (f:Thing)-[:LOCATED]->(l1:Place)
WITH l1, l1.location as here
MATCH (l2:Place)
WHERE distance(here, l2.location) < 20000 // 20km search radius
ORDER BY distance(l1.location, l2.location) ASC
WITH f, l1, l2
MERGE (f)-[:NEARBY]->(l2)
So this is due to a technical limitation in the first WITH clause in a subquery. This tells the subquery what's in scope, but currently it's limited to only allowing variables without any kind of projection or aliasing. So using
WITH l1, l1.location as here
would error out. That forces us to use one WITH for the import of variables into scope, then a second one for the projection.