Abhishek Kulkarni from Unotech Software

Hello Neo4j Community,

I am Abhishek Kulkarni and I am engaged with Unotech Software, a startup based out of Mumbai, India. We primarily work on two products, an Identity Management Solution and a IT Service Desk solution. My responsibilities in my organization are building capabilites and generating frameworks to be used in our products and proof of concept projects.

I and my mini-team of 3 have been following Neo4j for the past 2 years and have been using it sporadically, after a recent revamp plan for our Identity and Access Management solution, my internal pitch for using Graph databases to demonstrate correlations and identifying hidden links in the organizational structure among other things has been accepted, and consequently we have been accepted into the Startup Program.

I am very excited to be working on Neo4j and being actively involved in the community, with our basic company motto being to develop Open Source Solutions and giving back to the industry.

Thank you once again Neo4j for giving Unotech Software an opportunity to engage with your esteemed organization on this Startup program venture, and looking forward to mutually beneficial and smooth relationship.

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Hi Abhishek!
That sounds awesome! So happy to hear!
Have you connected with any other Neo4j community people in Mumbai? If you are ever interested in the future to speak at conferences, we recently launched our speaker program. If you decide to write a blog post about what you have built, we may be able to publish it on our Medium Blog.