A very newbie question: how does "LIMIT" in Cypher limit results?

Hello, everyone,

I am wondering of the "limit" clause in cypher and I searched its documentation but have not found an explanation yet. How does the "Limit" limit nodes, based on what criteria?

e.g. if I run

match (n) return n limit 10

then 10 nodes will be returned, but why these 10 not other 10? Are they selected based on index or what? I first thought they were randomly picked, but if I rerun the code, the result is the same. Therefore, I this the clause must select the nodes based on certain criteria.

I would appreciate for any explanation and hint. Thanks and Best


The criteria with which neo4j obtains the result are the internal ids of the nodes and relationships.

In fact, if you create a new database with for example 100 nodes and 50 relationships,
executing a "match (n) return id(n) limit 5" or a "match ()-[r]->() return id(r) limit 5",

the results will always be `0,1,2,3,4`

Thanks for the explanation! It is clear now :slightly_smiling_face: