

Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing well with the very first day of this new year :smile:
I live in Karachi,Pakistan I'm a newbie Data Scientist and working on Deep Learning and Machine Learning stuff. I love to work with text and use latest NLP techniques to get better insights from a raw text. I'm using Neo4j for my MS research to represent profiling data as Knowledge Graph and run intelligent queries over using Cypher Query Language. Hopefully using python to dump data into Neo4j database and then further process will go on. I love to learn new things and techs and I also love to help other people as best to my knowledge :blush: I have done some hands-on with Neo4j and Cypher and I love it. I would be looking for help and support from community whenever I'll stuck :wink:
Cheers Happy New Year :sunglasses::heart_eyes: