15 years ago I retired from IT. I currently teach mathematics. More importantly, I am interested in applying graph database technology to a project on which I am a volunteer, slave deeds.
A team of volunteers and paid professionals have been working for the last two years to identify information found in slave deeds. Thousands of records of information have been found. These records are of value to historians and to genealogists. Identifying people who were never identified by name in census records is valuable information. More valuable is information associated with their relationships, family relationships and relationships spawned by their condition.
After watching YouTube videos on Neo4j, I thought this was a technology that would provide the right way to access this information. It would provide a capability that a relational DB could not provide. I recommended that the technology team look into using Neo4j.
Due to budget and personnel constraints, this cannot happen in the near term. So, as a volunteer who was never a database person, I am applying my dinosaur skills to the task. I am going through the Neo4j training material. I have some sample data and hope to build a model to share with the team.
I also see potential is using Neo4j with DNA results. I have used Wolfram Mathematica for this type of analysis. I think Neo4j may provide an easier means of examining DNA relationships.