How to search in properties of a relationship which has an array of values?

Here's a twisted question....

What if the movie is Kind Hearts and Coronets where Alec Guinness plays nine different roles at once?

Here, a person creating the ACTED_IN relationship might decide (badly?) that the roles property should be in a list instead of creating multiple relationships with a single string for each role. (They might decide have nine relationships of the same type with different properties clutters things up.)

CREATE (p:Person {name:'Alec Guinness', born : 1914})

CREATE (m:Movie {title: 'Kind Hearts and Coronets', released: 1949, tagline:'He chopped down the family tree'})

MATCH (m:Movie), (p:Person)
WHERE = 'Alec Guinness' AND m.title STARTS WITH 'Kind'
CREATE (p)-[r:ACTED_IN {roles: [
 'Ethelred, 8th Duke of Chalfont',
 'The Reverend Lord Henry',
 'General Lord Rufus',
 'Admiral Lord Horatio',
 'Lord Ascoyne',
 'Lady Agatha D\'Ascoyne',
 'Young Ascoyne',
 'Young Henry',
 'Ethelred, 7th Duke of Chalfont'
return p,r,m

Then this doesn't return anything (I'm not sure how to make this query work either...):

[Fixed typo: Move => Movie]

MATCH (p:Person)-[a:ACTED_IN]->(m:Movie) WHERE 'Young Henry' IN a.roles RETURN p, a, m

I'm designing a schema, where I'm not sure if where some "tags" should really be entities that person nodes point to, or if the tags should be a list in a person's property. I'm not sure what the trade offs are.

This is vaguely reminiscent of 3rd Normal Form of RDBMS where having a list in a field is a no-no. Are there such recommendations for Graph DBs?

(Also annoying.... when you click on the ACTED_IN relationship, nothing shows up in the properties list except a triangle, which you are supposed to know to click on. It would be nice to show the first line of data.)