How to return nodes that have a relationship as a group along with path length

Hello. Any chance for this one please?

See if this meets your needs.

MATCH path = (l:Partner)-[:HAS_MT4]->(n:Mt4)-[:HAS_REF*]->(:Mt4)<-[:HAS_MT4]-(m:Partner)
WITH m, reverse(nodes(path)) as nodes
UNWIND range(1, size(nodes)-1) as level
WITH m, level, collect(id(nodes[level])) as nodesByLevel
return m.partner_id as parent, {level: level, nodes: nodesByLevel}

Thank you for your reply. It is not exactly what I need. If we have a less complex example like this one, maybe it is much easier for you to explain

john <- BROUGHT_BY Bill <- BROUGHT_BY Nick <- BROUGHT_BY Anna <- BROUGHT_BY Michael
john <- BROUGHT_BY Bill <- BROUGHT_BY Nick <- BROUGHT_BY Anna <- BROUGHT_BY Peter

how would you end up with something like this when searching for john, and John was not brought by anyone else?


So, get the full path, in this case two different paths

That is what the query returned, but I had merge the results from both paths internet one since both paths originated from the same patner_id.

What changes do your need. Have it output separate results from each list?

Oops, now I realized I intended to perform a collect to get one row for each partner_id, so the above result would be one row instead of four. Would that help?