Getting same error: Invalid input 'IN': expected
can you provide the specific and complete error as well as the cypher submitted. I simply copied and pasted the cypher statement from my last update into a Neo4j v4.4 and a Neo4j v5.x implementation and ran via the Neo4j Browser and did not encounter failure.
I did notice 1 mistake
but it should not contribute to a syntax parsing error. The failure was that my response was changing load csv to read from a http:// rather than file:// but this was only done for testing purposes since I did not have the file.
Please copy and past and run via the Neo4j Browser
:auto profile LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///ServerManageVM.csv"' as row
WITH row
MATCH (From: Server {Name: row.ServerID}), (to: VM {Name: row.VMID}) Create (from)-[:MANAGED_BY {Unique_ID: row. Unique_ID}]->(to) } IN TRANSACTIONS OF 100 ROWS
the screenshot per your last update appears to be cut off from the bottom.
Can you send the ENTIRE screen outptut
Thank you for this detail. Your last update includes a line describing the failure unlike the prior update which did not include this last line and as such determining the cause of failure was impossible.
The failure is because you have previously reported
I have defined no indexes yet.
A.csv has 3 properties B.csv has 3properties.
Community edition 4.33
and note there is no such version 4.33. There is a 4.3.23 and it is the latest 4.3.x release but also even if you are using 4.3.23 it was released Dec 2022 and this version is off maintenance/support.
Is there a specific requirement to use 4.3.x and not 4.4.x?
And to which 4.3.x does not support call { } IN TRANSACTIONS NN rows
However the same can be achieved by running
:auto profile using periodic commit 100 LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///ServerManageVM.csv" as row
MATCH (From: Server {Name: row.ServerID}), (to: VM {Name: row.VMID}) Create (from)-[:MANAGED_BY {Unique_ID: row. Unique_ID}]->(to) ;
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Thank you @dana_canzano.
Let me check it.
I mistakenly wrote 4.33. It is 4.3.3.
Yes, It's working!
I have come to conclusion that creation of relationship between 1M nodes is hectic process and it takes time.
If possible can you guide me how can I run these queries without internet connection, so that I can upload the data during weekend.